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Several phenomena in daily life can be described by a system of interacting agents, from natural systems such as cells, swarming dynamics, chemical compounds, organisms or crystals; but also in human artifacts, for example in market economies, crowd dynamics, vehicular traffics, opinion formations, wealth distributions, networks, cybernetics or artificial intelligences.


The aim of the school "From interacting particle systems to kinetic equations" is to give a general overview on the mathematical modelling of multi-agent systems ranging from their microscopic description up to mesoscopic, and macroscopic approximation.

In particular we will focus on rigorous derivation of mean-field and hydrodynamical models.


A substantial part of the school will be dedicated to the development of efficient numerical methods for non-linear PDEs models with some tutorial sessions, covering also novel research topics in this field such as optimal control theory, and uncertainty quantification.




Download the book of abstract




The school is organized in 3 mini-courses, held by senior speakers, and 3 focused seminars, held by young researchers.

There will be also the opportunity for Ph.D. students, and participants to give a short communication about their research topics.

Local Organizers

G. Albi,  A. Marigonda, G. Orlandi

Scientific Committee

G. Albi,  M. Caliari, G. Dimarco,  L. Pareschi

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