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Autumn School
Verona, 26-30 November 2018
modelling, control, and numerical methods
Numerical methods for kinetic and macroscopic equations
Li Wang, University of Minnesota
In this short course, I will first discuss numerical aspects related to kinetic equations, including the development of asymptotic preserving methods with multiple scales, and stability analysis in both forward and inverse setting in the presence of uncertainty. Then I will discuss the numerical methods for macroscopic equations that come from the coarse-graining of the microscopic system, with emphasis on their connection to free boundary dynamics and variational formulation.

Short Bio:
Li Wang joined University of Minnesota this August as an assistant professor of Mathematics. Before that, she was an assistant professor at Math Department and Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering Program at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She completed her PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012 and she was a CAM Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCLA during 2013—2015. Her major research is on numerical partial differential equations, which arise from hyperbolic conservation laws, kinetic theory, fluid dynamics, and social and biological processes.
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